All casings with different sizes shall be fixed in head of well. The equipment employed for this connection are called wellhead equipment. In other word, wellhead is part of the well that provide condition for casing hangers in the well’s hard phase. Moreover, production casings, Christmas tree valves and outflow controlling valves are erected on this part.
PetroNebra has a full line of conventional and premium pressure control technologies to provide the right options for your application, including specialized systems for underbalanced and near-balanced drilling applications
1- Wellheads:
PetroNebra offers the widest and most thoroughly proven line of Wellhead technology. Our surface equipment and services meet all API and ISO standards and are designed to meet client specific requirements – from simple to highly complex. This includes:
Conventional surface wellheads including:
Weldless casing heads, casing heads, casing spools, and tubing spools with proven straight-bore profiles
Manual and automatic casing and tubing hangers, including metal-to-metal seals
Gate valves: split-gate, slab-gate and metal-to-metal sealing technology
Complete wellhead systems:
Drill-through, multi bowl, unitized, and mudline
Platform wellhead systems, including a complete selection of trees and wellheads
Chokes, manifolds, unions, and swivels
Gas storage systems
2- Blowout Preventers (BOPs):
Our offerings and services include:
Annular , Double Ram , Single Ram , Snubbing Units
Double Studded Adaptor
Single Studded Adaptor
Choke and Kill Manifold
Crossover Spools , Riser Spools , Spacer Spools
Choke Valves
Hydraulic , Manual